Thursday, July 22, 2010


- Never in my life have I frequented Craigslist so much as I have this week. Carson always says that until you get a job, finding a job is a job. (And not my favorite job, I must add. Which encourages me to pursue one so I don't have to keep looking!)

- A discovery: Running to Frank Sinatra makes even running feel classy :)

- A note on that - I've been running... three miles or so, which is NOTHING compared to the PT Carson does but I'm still impressed with the small amount I can run!

- Carson's mom came for a visit Sunday-Monday. She's our first overnight visitor. Since you are now wondering how that worked, Carson slept on the floor... our guest couldn't very well do that, could she?

- My brother, Scott is coming this weekend. We'll be heading over to the Leavenworth area for hiking/camping/exploring. Scott desperately wants to climb a mountain. Though climbing one is doubtful, we will see mountains.

- Carson still hasn't gotten to go on a fire. The time with him has been wonderful, but he's still hoping to get that experience before going back to school. So, we're praying for that...

- We have been married for TWO months! And it doesn't seem that long... probably because weddings are such a memorable thing and we can still visualize and process through that day as if it were yesterday. Carson, apparently, thinks it's been longer: "Happy twelve - wait - two - month's anniversary!"

1 comment:

  1. :) this post made me happy. i feel like i spend way too much time on craig's list every day... but we are finding great things for the house at a low price- which means the hours spent clicking "next 100 postings" are actually paying off.
    I'm finding that all the little happenings of married life seem odd to post. I wonder, "do people really want to know this, or is this only important to me?" so it is great to read your little odds and ends. I totally enjoy them.
    Here is a great little free find I discovered on itunes.
    This week my task was to dust off all the books and put them in some sort of order onto our bookshelves, and with lots of books I knew it would be quite a task and worthy of something interesting to listen to. After listening to three sermons on predestination by sproul, I was quite ready for something a little more light hearted and began my search. I found a free download of the most quaint and wonderful book "Aunt Jane's Hero" by Elizabeth Prentiss (who also wrote stepping heavenward). It is a story of a young married couple, during the period right after the civil war, and is a sweet story of some of the little and big trials of marriage. If you do download it--realize it is free for a reason. They have volunteers read the book, and the reader changes from time to time-- the first reader makes it hard to distinguish when which character is talking- but she only reads a few chapters, and the bulk are done by better voices. But hey-- its free and its a great way to engage this silly mind of mine. :-)
    Don't skip the prelude either! it is awesome-- and emily (if you read this) you would totally totally LOVE this cute book as well!
    well now... looks like i have just gone and written you a book! :-) love and miss you dear Mrs. Bay!


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