Friday, May 29, 2009

a story

Once upon a time...
There lived four girls. Two brunettes, one redhead, and a blond.

The four girls had met through the magical land of Facebook and did not know how living together would work. They thought it was random and by chance.

What they learned was that rooming together was absolutely the most amazing thing ever. They were a happy bunch of girls, living in a small apar... er... hut. The four girls lived together for one year. During that year, they grew a lot. They learned to live with strangers. They learned to cook by trial and error (and smoke alarm). They learned to be hospitable. They learned how to encourage and how to read people's likes and dislikes. They learned to clean and tidy up a house.

Most importantly though, they learned to love one another. This came as an unexpected surprise, since they had met through the unpredictable land of Facebook. They began to see one another as second family, for indeed, they saw them more often than their own family and friends from home.

The fact that they loved one another made parting very hard for the redhead. She loved her roommates but decided to leave them. It was one of the hardest decisions ever. The other three were quite sad but finally found a replacement for the redhead and she began to prepare to move to the great Windy City the following year.

As their time together drew to a close, they gathered to celebrate their time together and reminisce about the year they had shared with one another. They laughed, got choked up, and took lots of pictures.

So it was our last night as roommates (actually just my last night as their roommate... they'll be together for a few more years). We went to Olive Garden for dessert, then took lots of fun pictures in Riverfront Park. I can't believe it's been a year and that it's over and I'm going to Chicago. I definitely shed a couple tears. I'll definitely miss Spokane. I'm going to miss these girls next year. Boo... I miss them already!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

exciting news, indeed

Finals are over.
Sophomore year has officially ended.
Summer is here.
Goodbye, semester!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trust Issues

Grr... trust issues. I have them. They are so prevalent in my life and the bane of my existence.

Primarily, I think they all boil down to my trust issues with God. Quite honestly, I don't exhibit as much faith in Him as He deserves. A lot of my problems could be solved if I simply took my hands off the wheel.

I've also been noting that I have trust issues with people. They are also quite prevalent. I trust people on a surface-y level but I don't trust them with myself. How selfish I am! Not that I'm such an amazing blessing and that depriving people of time with Lindsay is robbery but instead of fully opening up to people, I tend to draw in to myself under the guise of being reserved. And that's just wrong.

As a child of God, I am to love people fully, sacrificially. I need to be willing and eager to give myself to people, to be vulnerable and to be real with them. How do I expect to minister to people unless I can open up and share what God's done in my life?

I don't want to be an open book or wear my heart on my sleeve, per say, but I want to be open and available to people without pre-judging and refusing to open up to them. That's decidedly unlike anything I know to be right.

So anyway, this is just something I'm praying through right now. Trusting God is hard... for some reason talking to the people He created is much harder.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I live with purpose (and you can too!)

I live...
Without regret.
With joy.
With expectancy.
With purpose.

Have you ever thought about it?

The life that you live was intended for you to do the things that you have done.

God is so strategic, placing you in a certain place for a certain reason with certain people who do certain things. He has you living with the family that you live with, the roommates, the spouse, the children, even the dog, for a reason. It's part of His plan.

God USES you. He uses me. He has a plan and intends to use it to magnify Himself. He wants His name to be glorified overall. That's why we live. For God alone. Therefore, I live with purpose. For God but with hope of so much more. God HAS a plan for my life and I'm in it. I know that. I know that I am where I am because of Him, without any doubt. He's used the things I despise from the past in my life just as He uses the things I do to honor Him. I can't get over how amazing it is that we are given such purpose and design. Every detail of my life, past and present, is in some way useful to the Master.

That, quite honestly, is completely overwhelming. It is all-consuming and gives so much direction. It's exciting and awing and...

Therefore, succinctly, I live with purpose.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

warmer weather

Haley and I took a walk to Friendship Park today. There were lots of little soccer games going on so we just sat on the grass enjoying the sunshine as we talked and observed cheering parents.

Then we called Erin (she was probably at graduation but we thought trying would be a good idea anyway)
On the walk back to my house, we picked some flowers :)

Last night, we went to the haunted steps. Apparently there are all sorts of rumors about this place being scary at night and no one gets to the top because it's too creepy. Erica and Molly and I were totally freaked out about it on the way there:
There's the steps
And there we are, at the top (it wasn't that scary but we were still creeped out so we all held hands on the way up)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I would have laughed

I'm pretty good about remembering dates, so when I woke up this morning, I remembered immediately that it was May 12th. Insignificant other than the fact that it's been exactly TWO years since I graduated from high school. Time sped by for sure - I can't believe it's been that long already.

Two years ago, I'd have laughed if you told me that I'd be living in an apartment with three girls from Ohio and Arizona. I would have laughed if you told me that I would be a sophomore at Moody Bible Institute - Spokane. I would have laughed if you would have told me that I would be living in the Northwest.

I would have laughed about a lot of things.

That to me speaks volumes about the power of God in my life. Because He's been leading me, I've done so many things that I wouldn't have dreamed of, and I've loved them. I've seen a lot, done a lot, and definitely love God more because of it.

Two years ago, I would have laughed without a doubt. Or run away.

But today, I rejoice, and thank God.

...For His timing (revealing things bit by bit and not all at once), for His faithfulness, and for His continuing to give me new things. And I pretty much can't wait to see what my life will be like on May 12th, 2011... two more years. I'd probably laugh about it now :)

Monday, May 4, 2009


So basically, it was a crazy weekend. Formal on Saturday night, Bloomsday on Sunday morning. Erica and I signed up for it a few weeks ago and honestly, we were so tired that we didn't really want to get up. I'm glad we did though! There were so many people there (around 50,000) so we couldn't really run if we'd wanted to. It was 7.5 miles (a LOT of it uphill... oof) and we did it in 2 hours. I think that's pretty decent :)

The line up before the race (there were so many people that it took an hour before we even crossed the start line!)
Erica and I
Free ice pops along the way - yay!
Mile four
Eh, we weren't going that fast anyway...
Ran in to Darth Vader...
Going up Doomsday Hill... a LOT steeper than it actually looked.
Almost there!
Finish line (way up there)
We did it!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring Formal

Moody's first-ever Spring Formal was last night at the Fox Theater downtown. It was SO much fun! I have a ton of pictures in this post so I'll let them do the talking :)

Amanda and I prior to getting ready (obviously!)
Doing Erica's hair
Doing Amanda's hair (Erica had finished mine at this point)
Doing Amanda's hair
My date, Carson, and I
It was quite windy outside so the outside photo shoot was limited to just a couple picture
Ruth and I
Erica and I at dinner
Carson and I
Amanda and I
Erica, Molly and I at the dance (after the formal)
Maila and I (she's actually shorter but in this pic she has four inch heels and I'm barefoot)
Molly and I
Had to go to Wal-Mart afterwards to buy doughnuts for Molly's Sunday school. We got a few odd looks since it was 12:30 and we were in formalwear.
So anyway, Spring Formal was so. Much. Fun. The end.
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