I wanted to share a little story with you all.
I was reading my Bible this morning when Mom came in my room to say hello and to ask what she could pray about while I'm in Ukraine. I mentioned a few things that I knew would need prayer during that time and a few concerns I had before the trip actually begins, just things I need to do. She nodded and made a mental note, I think, and then she added something, "And I'm praying that God would resolve all the things for school TODAY before you go and I hope you get a person on the phone who goes beyond their normal job to help you out." I thought, That would be amazing but I don't really expect that to happen. If I can get everything done by Thursday before I leave the next morning, I'd be amazed, and if I get a helpful person, that would be a miracle (Moody's customer service skills usually seem to be lacking to say the least). I was trying to be realistic. I didn't think I'd have time to even think about school things today.
Now, no day at my job can really be called stressful but I do have rare busy days. Today, pleasantly, has been one of them... I had quite a few things to copy and scan and print out. And in the middle of it all I get a fax... the fax from my apartment complex that I've been waiting on for several weeks.
Today. I had nothing to do on my lunch break so I decided to call about tuition costs. The person on the phone was nice, helpful, and... went beyond their job title to help me out and answer questions that really didn't belong to her department. I got addresses I needed and deadlines I wanted and before I knew it, all my questions were answered.
I got more things accomplished in the few hours here (even with more work than usual) than I expected to in the next two days. I even had time to go to the bank and make a much-needed deposit.
This could have been a five second post, "God answered a prayer and isn't it so cool?!" but I like sharing the stories. Days like today make me think... what could God be doing? He's working in my life in ways I'm only beginning to understand. He's not done with me yet, even though I doubt in the back of my mind and even though I don't trust Him all the time and have to learn the same things over and over. He is so good to me.
And I'm excited about the answered prayer. I'm not gonna lie. I thought it was pretty cool.