
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Jillian's Visit: Day Seven

part five
part six

On Tuesday morning, we had class. After that we got some lunch (Pita Pit again) and went to my friend's house. We took her adorable baby to Manito Park with us and we got to spend time making duck noises, fish faces and pushing a stroller as we spent time together. More that likely it will be one of us for real someday so it was fun to talk to a baby and enjoy time with her. I chose that park because it is one of my favorite places and I wanted Jillian to enjoy it also.

We went to the Valley mall afterward for a bit, then were compelled to do something we shouldn't and visited FroYo Earth (which you've seen featured in posts before). Jillian had a mountain of chocolate and I enjoyed a more fruity cup of frozen yogurt which we demolished in a very short amount of time.

Back at home, I sewed buttons onto Jillian's red coat as we watched The Sing-Off on her computer. I may have a new show to watch!


  1. I thought sugar was to be considered as poison to Jillian. Are you trying to kill her off?

  2. It is. It was my idea to get ice cream. Kinda splurged maybe a lot.


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