
Friday, January 21, 2011

an adorned home: bedroom and bathroom

I've been making things, revamping things and making small purchases to make our formerly unfurnished, sparse apartment a homey, inviting place.

May I show you around?

First, we'll begin with our bedroom.

We got our bedspread from Target after the unfortunate stolen comforter incident this summer. I really like it! The pillows are all made by me! The bigger ones are just placemats that I've stuffed with fiberfill (couldn't find a link... but they're Target also). The smaller one is inspired by this post.

Our nightstand looks like this, minus the wheels. Three plastic drawers, filled with things that would fill a dresser, if only we had one. You can see that I've attempted to make it prettier by adding more burlap with another strip of fabric across it. looks better than plain old plastic! The lamp was mine from before we were married. 

The wall opposite our bed was bare and lonely, so I gathered up frames of various shapes and sizes and made a collage. It's a look I like, though perhaps it could have been more carefully arranged. Just something to tweak in the future!

There's also a mirror on this wall... and what you'd have seen if I hadn't used the zoom would be the hamper. The closet may not get a spotlight. It's pretty crazy. 

This is our bathroom! 

It's tiny but we don't really need a huge one. No fights have been had about the lack of sink space and the size hasn't been a problem. I recently (this week) added the two frames to put something pretty in the space and really like it. We added two metal shelves under the sink for storage and it makes it look messy but it's worth it for the storage!

This is the other side of our bathroom. It's so nice to get that natural light during the day. 
I'd like to hang something on that wall and I'm sure I will in due time. 
The shower curtain is from Wal-Mart and it coordinates with the mat that isn't pictured and is the color of our kitchen walls :) 

More for another day! I'm working on pillows for the living room right now and trying to organize :)


  1. I like it!
    lots of little details :)

    and I like your little font that I can't figure out how to do- the ones that say "post comment" and such. how did you get all the little fonts on your site??

  2. I recognize the Target place mats! (We almost put the yellow ones on our registry.) Great craft idea!

  3. I'm loving it :) I feel like i just put up the same comments every time... hmm..
    Your home looks lovely, my dear.



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