
Friday, February 6, 2015

Super Bowl

Oh, a post about the Superbowl from those die-hard football fanatics? Excellent.

You know us... such sports-people.

The Superbowl has lots of snacks, funny commercials, a sometimes entertaining, sometimes not halftime show, and the game is sort of just the reason for all this carrying on.
So... I like to be there for the Superbowl. Last year, I went to a party, but this year, we stayed home, I made some tasty snacks (which made excellent leftovers throughout the week, you're welcome, Carson) and we did our own thing during the actual game part, but were very interested in the commercials.

We wanted the Seahawks to win. Being the die-hard fans that we are, we were super invested in their win and really cared so much. Or not, but we did accidentally wear various shades of blue and green and we did used to live in Washington and we didn't want the Patriots to win. Also I think it's fun to pick a team even if you don't care. But really we were there for the commercials. We watched part of an episode of LOST on Netflix and switched between that and the game because we couldn't miss the Budweiser Puppy commercials of course!

And by the way - this is probably my favorite Superbowl commercial ever, from a few years ago.
Here was our little spread.

I made these little corn dogs because I saw something similar online. I used a box mix of cornbread, heated the oven to 400, cut hot dogs into fourths (I would do fifths next time), stuck them in the middle of the cornbread batter in my mini muffin pan, and baked for 8 or 9 minutes. I think I would use vegetable oil or something else to make the cornbread less crumbly, but they were really good! And really simple. And cute.

And here we are, looking just fantastic. I was wearing a green tank top with my blue hoodie but you can't see it. And we were wearing shorts because it was 70 degrees. February is much more livable when you aren't afraid you'll freeze to death.

So, the Seahawks lost because they made a stupid move, but we didn't lose sleep over it. We were brushing our teeth as the game wrapped up, and went straight to bed. Obviously this is an advertisement for our fab parties. We are so much fun.

Until next year, NFL.

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