
Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy 2015!

We didn't do anything planned or super fun for New Year's Eve this year. It sort of slipped through the cracks. Since it was on a Wednesday, there wasn't anything we could really think of TO do that we would actually enjoy. I worked until 6pm, then came home and sat on the couch in sweats.

Carson went out for Chinese food at my behest, and I decided to wear my sequinny dress from Deanna just to look festive, even if we weren't going to do anything. I turned on one of the countdown shows on the TV and we watched that and ate our food. Right after I took this picture of us dressed up (I thought the tie on Carson would be funny) I put the sweats back on. We sat on the couch and talked and watched the different countdowns and after the clock struck 12, we said "Happy New Year!" and toasted to silly things for the coming year before going to bed because I had to work early on New Year's Day.

Our one tradition for the first of the year is to go to Taco Bell, which we did. We each got a taco thing and I had cinnamon twists. I wouldn't call us big fans of Taco Bell, but in 2010, we went to Taco Bell on New Year's Eve and resolved not to eat it for all of 2011. And you know what? Saying we weren't going to a place we don't routinely go seemed like a great idea, but all of 2011 we LONGED for Taco Bell. It smelled good, it looked good. We forgot that we don't even like it in real life. So on New Year's Day 2012, we had Taco Bell again and what do you know? It wasn't awesome. But that's our tradition each year - to go to Taco Bell. We haven't bothered to resolve not to go since, but I'm pretty sure we didn't go once in 2014.

After eating that stuff, we settled in for a long winter's nap - or rather, we worked on the puzzle we'd been working on for a few weeks. Carson found this puzzle mat that has an inflatable tube that allows you to roll up your unfinished puzzle to work on it later and it's pretty great. But we finally finished it that weekend AND took down our tree on January 2. So way to rock the new year, Bay family. Way to rock it.

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