
Monday, June 30, 2014

CLE Goodbye Party

We wanted to be able to hang out with people for the last time before we left, so we sort of kind of threw ourselves a going-away party. 
I didn't really feel bad about it, because it's not like you bring gifts for people to a going-away party, but it did feel weird to have a bunch of people in our crazy looking house. Whatever. They brought appetizers and desserts, and we just hung out. Quite a few people came out, although I'm not sure how many. There were a number of people inside, hanging out where it was cool, and others in the shade outdoors. It was casual, and not really "about us" or official and sappy in any way, which I really loved.

The Wilsons have been some of our greatest friends here. They moved to Cleveland about a month before we did, for Cory to join the church as a pastor/elder. We used to attend their community group, until they kicked us out to start our own. Carson's favorite baby is little Liam, and we've babysat or just stopped by unannounced before (they live down the street). Cory is from Mississippi, so it's been fun to hear a southern accent in the Midwest.

Thanks, Sam.

Deanna and I.

Carrie and I.

Rachel, me, Deanna, Beth, Carrie and Cherise.

We tried the sorority squat, and I'm guessing that none of us have been in a sorority because we were clueless.

I didn't take a million pictures, but it was fun talking and enjoying our friends just the same. We miss you already!

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