
Friday, July 6, 2012

Red, White and Blue

We were talking about it, and realized that this Fourth of July would be the first that Carson and I would celebrate together. Every other 4th, we've been apart - he was working for the forest service and I wasn't (when we lived in Naches and he was doing the fire crew, we saw one another, but it was a busy day for him, since he had to monitor fireworks fires). So it was fun to spend together. 

On Tuesday, Molly and I got together to make our nails patriotic. It didn't take as much time as I would have thought, but we watched a movie so that we had to sit still for a long time for our nails to dry. 

On the 4th itself, we slept in, enjoyed making breakfast together, and then got ready. We joined a family from our church to celebrate. We enjoyed volleyball, pool time, and food! Lots of time for conversation as we sunbathed and munched on too many servings of chips and dip. It was a wonderful time.  
(I was also trying to learn different settings on the camera, so the pictures aren't world class)

Following that, we decided to head downtown early for the fireworks to get a good spot. No one was sure what time one of the bridges closed, so we got there two hours before the fireworks to secure a place...and the spot we wanted didn't open up until 30 minutes till. Now we know :) We got some walking around in during that time and lots of conversation. 

And then, the fireworks! Neither of us have gone to downtown Spokane for fireworks before (I was in town, but joined the same family at a nearby cabin). It was great! There were so many people, and I really enjoyed the community aspect of it all. Love our downtown here; and the fireworks show was great! 

1 comment:

  1. Your Independence Day looks so fun! I like your manicure, too. :)


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