
Friday, May 18, 2012

Last Spring Formal

Spring formal is a big deal around here. Formal tickets sell out quickly at school and there's a long waiting list. I got tickets early because I'm a senior. I felt that we HAD to go because it's not only fun, but it was also our first date: spring formal 2009. Carson enjoys it too and is excited by it, if you were wondering

So we spent the day getting ready. Molly, Rachel and I had our hair and makeup done by my friend Jessie, who was incredibly quick and got us out of there in around two hours... which is SUPER fast for doing hair and makeup times three, plus being a mom. After that we went to Paige's house where people were getting ready. We got dressed there and then went to my house to meet our guys. 

Molly and I were sure to get a picture with Erica beforehand. We call ourselves "the joke" because, we're a blonde, brunette and redhead. Some of my first roommates.

Erica and her fiance Zack had to get there early so they didn't join us for more pictures. We went to Riverfront Park to snap a few before heading to the formal: Hauschilds, Bays, Fletchers.

Molly and I

Molly and Jerrad didn't get tickets in time, so they went on a dressy date night, while we headed to the Davenport Hotel after taking our pictures. It was fun to get there and see everyone dressed up. I didn't recognize some people - everyone looked way different from the usual jeans and t-shirt look at school. I loved that.
There was a photobooth at the formal. SUCH a great thing. It was there all night, but the line was super long because it was so popular.

Food line

Deidre, Jamilla and I 

 Ashley, Jaimie and I... they're graduating with me next week! 
Carson and the recently-engaged Ian... they used to be housemates

Maila and I... her baby bump was finally showing :)

Carson and I... I thought he was making a face too...guess not
Carson's longtime roommate and good friend Brian. He'll also be graduating this month!

Kristen and I... she's in my degree program!

Rachel, Missy and I - they borrowed dresses and I think they look better in them than I do!

 Love the bathrooms at the Davenport! Had to get mirror shots!

Angela and I at the after party dance. She didn't make it to the formal, but we danced afterward! 

I think that this was the best formal I've attended. I wasn't the biggest fan of the entertainment, but I really had a blast getting ready, taking pictures and enjoying the formal with friends. 


  1. You dress, your shoes, your earrings, your hair...everything about that outfit is


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