
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Fever

Facebook is a terrible thing. I keep seeing pictures of beach days, swimsuits, tan people and statuses that say things like "Wow, summer is here already!"
And why is this terrible? I've included a picture to illustrate. This was today's forecast on Wunderground: 

Now do you understand? Call me wimp, but I'm from the South... this is terrible weather!

I love Washington in the summer and in the fall, but those are the two shortest seasons! Yesterday was the first day of spring, but this rainy, overcast, 90% chance of snow weather is just not very springlike. 

I don't remember what spring fever is supposed to indicate, but I'm using it to mean that I really really want the warm weather to come to Spokane and stay! We've only got a few more months here; we'd like to look back on this place with fond memories! 

Comments on the warmth of the temperature wherever you live are unacceptable. I don't want to know.

 (disclaimer: though I really do want the warm weather to come and for the sun to shine, I'm not actually angry about it; bitter at those who rub their awesome sunshine in my face? yes. :) )

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