
Monday, October 31, 2011

Jillian's Visit: Day One

Jillian arrived on a Tuesday night and we did not take a picture. We spent the evening talking and picked Carson up from work at 11:30, then proceeded to talk until very late, and slept in the next morning.

On Jillian's first morning in Spokane, we sat around, talking (this was a theme of the visit). We took Carson to work in the morning and then hit the grocery store. We chose Fred Meyer, which incidentally was Emily's favorite when she visited Spokane almost two years ago.

After our little grocery trip, we went home until Kidz Club, which I haven't mentioned too much because there weren't pictures. But guess what? Jillian took pictures. The game this week was goldfish racing which sounds a little cruel but is very inventive. Each kid has a goldfish (real, not the cracker) in a cup, names it, etc, and races it against other goldfish in RAIN GUTTERS using straws. There's a bracket system and one kid will win. Poor little fish. The kids can take them home after club. I know of several fish who were obtained in this manner and yet are alive 1 or 2 years later.
I lead crafts most weeks so this week was painting pumpkins. Rick and Olivia led music and the kids joined in eagerly. Keith did the lesson, on Moses, and had the kids be the "Israelites" and follow the "cloud" around (sheet on a broomstick).

Once Kidz Club was over, we must have eaten dinner, but I'm not sure what else we did. We picked Carson up from work at 8:30pm and then went up the South Hill to the lookout over Spokane to show Jillian the city at night.

If you thought this post had a lot of pictures, just you wait. I'm restraining myself (a little) but we took a combined estimated 1,400 pictures in nine days (technically seven - the first day we didn't take any pictures and the last she left at 5am so we only got one).

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