
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

may 3

Today is
Erin's Birthday!
She's our sister-in-law. Carson's only sister. My only older sister. Two kids in two years (basically a superhero). She lives so far away that I don't know her well but hope to remedy that in the future! 
Happy Birthday, Erin!

 (yes, all pictures in existence of us with Erin are from the wedding...)

This Day In (our) History
Yesterday was the two-year mark for our first date. But today is the day that Carson re-asked me to coffee and I accepted. Today probably marks the day that I started liking him, but I wouldn't be honest with myself and I didn't journal it, so I'm not positive. 

He called me after Bloomsday to see if I would go to coffee now that we knew each other better. I accepted. He would pick me up in 45 minutes and since I'd done the race that morning I'd just been lazy and hadn't showered. I had also waited on laundry. I wore a purple striped shirt I've never loved, and my hair was a wet mess. 

We talked and what he'd claimed would take less than an hour took three. I remember wondering if he would "let me off gently" (I hadn't been so nice to him leading up to this if you recall). Instead, I remember him asking me my thoughts on long-distance relationships (I was planning to transfer to Chicago in the fall). He also said something lame about his having small hands and wanted to see whose were bigger. He does admit that he just wanted to touch my hand. Ridiculous and I did comply, but thought he was way corny. 
Oh well, he still won me over :)

We ran Bloomsday once again this year... it was actually two days ago.
When I say run, remember that I haven't trained in the slightest. 
Carson ran the whole way, but I was only able to run for the first 4.5 miles (we ran/walked that part)... the last part was a testament to training for a run... knees gave out and calves began to tighten... oxygen intake wasn't going so well either. We ran across the finish line though.
 Made horrible time, but we did stop for the bathroom, which added 15-20 minutes to our overall time.
It was fun. Beautiful day. And I have a sunburn to prove that it was the sunniest, hottest day of the year so far. 
Pictures to come. 
They should be posted online today, but I scheduled this post so I don't have them yet!

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