
Thursday, May 12, 2011

four years

 Four years ago today, I graduated high school.

They DID warn me that they would pass quickly, these four years. And it has. I remember that day perfectly.

Two years ago today, I wrote a post. You can click here to read it. In it, I said that I would have laughed on my graduation day to know that I would be living the life I was, where I was living it.

What was significant about that day, and what I kept quiet in that blog post, was that was the day that Carson and I officially started dating.

That conversation went as follows (right after a weekend of not talking but praying about our future):
"I have been praying this weekend and God didn't really tell me anything, but I like you more and I really could marry you"
"Um, yeah, same thing. I really like you too!"
"So, do you think we should be friends first or just start off dating?"
"If we know we're going to date anyway, let's just start off dating now."
"I was hoping you'd say that!"

So four years ago today, I would have laughed at the fact that I would have met a guy. Two years ago, I was still laughing at the shock that it was reality. This year, well, I guess I'm still laughing. And a little bit amazed that the girl I was four years ago is the married woman I am today. Lots of flaws, tons of growing up to do, but definitely in awe of the things that happened over the past four years to bring me to where I am today.

What will 2013 bring? I really have no clue. But I'm excited for it to happen. I really am thankful for the life that has been entrusted to me.

Thanks, God! Looking forward to what's next!

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