
Monday, May 30, 2011

Carson is a Bachelor...

What a weekend!
Carson received his Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies on Saturday
from Moody Bible Institute - Spokane
His parents and some friends came over to celebrate with him. 
It was a great weekend and we can't believe he's DONE with his undergrad!
Dr. Lewis addressing the graduates
"Will the candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies please stand?"
Receiving his diploma
(unfortunately blurry)

 Carson graduated with honors (hence the medal)

The Newberrys came. Little Abishai is the baby pictured here.

The Smiths, good friends from Cashmere.

Blonde roommate graduated!

Abishai and Grandma Bay ;)

the Washington bays

...a brunette, a blonde and a redhead...

sweet meagan

The diploma cover
 We went to Tomato Street for lunch afterward. 
They have a huge chalkboard there for us to write our congratulations, etc.
Carson's mom loved that Carson and John received "honors" while Chris received "high honors"
(the other two did also, but since this semester's grades weren't yet calculated, that didn't show)

Chris, Carson and John
Miss Rachel and I

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