
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What's In a Name?

I've framed one of our wedding announcements for display. As I walked by it today, I caught the wording of the first two lines: David and Michele Norman along with Mike and Danita Bay invite you to share in their joy at the marriage of their children...

Weddings are essentially the melding of two families into one. One entirely new one. It's a bit strange to think that our formerly immediate families (i.e. parents and siblings) are now kind of our extended family. Our immediate family is quite small now: just the two of us. 

When we got married, we didn't sever all ties to our families entirely. Obviously, they're still related to us. We call them mom and dad and talk to our siblings as brothers and sisters. But we did lose dependence on them when we became "Mr. and Mrs." Those old selves have changed. 

Contemplating the wording on the wedding announcement, I thought about our selves in Christ. When I became a Christian, I didn't turn green or change my appearance in any other way, but I did become a new person. The old had passed away... the new had come. 

And I love that! I used to be someone before Christ that I'm not anymore. Before my relationship with Jesus began, I could not relate with Him like I can now that I know Him. Before I married Carson, same thing. See the parallel? 

My social security card changed names, not numbers. I still call my parents Mom and Dad. I have the same past behind me on September 15, 2010 as I did a year ago. I've not lost myself entirely, but I have become a new person.

I love this comparison between marriage and Christ. 

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