
Sunday, September 12, 2010


 Carson's doing well, if you're wondering. Studying like crazy, working at Super Supplements part time and several weekly hours as a TA. He took a Psychology CLEP test a couple of weeks ago and aced it (of course!) so he's prepping for more CLEP tests. We're both cleaning the church a total of ten hours a week for our rent.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I finally have a job! It's a huge relief to be free from the hunt. I haven't actually started; my first day is Tuesday, but the job is mine. It's at White House Black Market. Retail was the last thing I wanted to do, but not too many places are hiring so I'm glad to get this! It's a smaller environment than the last retail job I worked so I think I'll like it better.
Note: Forgive the name; it's a clothing store. That's why the link is included. I'm not involving myself in criminal anything :)

And the second piece of news... I applied for a Pell Grant! Financial aid, that is. And I have been given a pretty decent sum so if things keep going the way they're going, it looks like I will join Carson in going back to school as early as January! Though I'd really thought about getting my associate's degree in Biblical Studies, I've discovered that I really do enjoy school, and since I'm only three semesters from graduating, I really want that Bachelor's degree (it's in Intercultural Ministry). I'm hoping to finish everything by next Spring, so I'll really only be a year behind my original graduation date.


  1. Tell Carson yay on the CLEPPING!! Yay on the job!! Yay, yay, yay on the grant!!

  2. Lindsay! I'm so happy for you both!!! :DDDDDD


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