
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Different Stages

I had two conversations recently that were such a contrast that they made me laugh. One was with a recently married friend (all my married friends are in that category so it could be anyone) and a friend I used to live with:

Conversation with married friend: furniture, decorating, babies, prices of things, menus, our weddings, men (husbands)

Conversation with unmarried friend: school, summer, reminisce a bit, future plans, boys, things we should do this semester, roommates

It's funny to me how we talk as we go through different stages of life. I still have so many things in common with people who aren't married, but I associate with people who are on a common level now too. I remember my mom talking about things with her friends that I thought were way boring (furniture set-up? Who cared?) and now I find myself doing the same with my friends. I had an actual exciting conversation about Crock-Pots the other day.

It's kind of fun... I love that I'm not "past" that stage of life but that I can totally appreciate the newly married side of life and the not-married side.

ps- Carson bought our first piece of real furniture yesterday. And yes, I'm much more excited than I would have been a few months ago!


  1. hee hee... tis true. I remember being a little girl at a baby shower, thinking "is this what moms enjoy talking about? Cleaning toilets and their kids?" oh how life changes... now i don't think i'll ever enjoy talking about cleaning toilets... but what i have talked about certainly has changed. As you know. ;-) love you!

  2. I totally know what you mean! And I wonder who that married friend was....that conversation sure sounds familiar... ;)


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