
Thursday, June 10, 2010

our little house

Naches and our surrounding area: 

This is pretty much what it looks like. A totally different kind of "beautiful" than the coastal lowcountry beauty I'm used to, or even mountainy, like I've lived in more lately. This is "high desert".

The "downtown" of Naches. Makes Beaufort look huge :)

Us! In front of our house, which is currently in the process of being painted... hence the really old and worn look. 

First thing you walk into - the kitchen! I didn't put away the clean dishes before taking this picture. Oops!

Our little table

Our bedroom. This is the clean side. The other side has bookshelves and all our clothes folded and stacked up. It's organized but looks super messy. Maybe one day we'll share a picture of it. 

The bathroom - the most storage in the whole house so we keep everything that won't fit anywhere else in here. It works, but I guess it is a bit strange to keep duffel bags in your bathroom. Oh - that's a hot water heater right there by the door... also doubles as a place to put clothes and things for after a shower. 

Dad asked yesterday if I wanted a dog. I told him that we have two. But they aren't ours; they just hang out in front of our house. They belong to our next-door neighbor and landlord, Kathryn. This is Ivy and Sage. They happen to love us (and I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that they got samples of dinner the other night).

There ya go! Our house and a little bit of our surrounding area. 


  1. Aw, the little house is so...little!
    Really cute though.
    You should take pictures of the dinners you make for Carson, that could be fun to see :)

  2. Love the little cottage! Which one of you feeds the dogs?

  3. I LOVE IT! So so so very wonderful! And so great to talk to you today! Love you very much!


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