
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Life Pictures

I walked back outside to my Bible Study I was doing outside to find... Ivy... joyously waiting my return. "Our dogs" have come to be fun to have around.

Notice the bottom left corner. While we're glad not to be pet owners, we do share with the dogs that come to our door. In the bowls is leftover roast beef. They weren't sharing so Carson made each dog her own bowl. 

We went hiking last Sunday! Carson found this huge dandelion-like thing. It was as big as my hand!

More of what it looks like here; on the same hike.

So Carson's mom made a book contrasting our wedding and Trent and Erin's... this page was just too perfect NOT to take such a shot. Shannon and Danita (mom) behind the pages. 

Um, yep, this is where we spend our Wednesday evenings... Naches Laundry. Joy. 

 It's strange to be in a place where we can see snow - in JUNE! This was taken (on a mountain pass - don't think it snows at night here or anything) on the way back from Olympia. There was a bank of snow taller than Carson! By the way, I was wearing flip flops... it was chilly!
So that's just a bit more of how life is going for the Bay Family.  Enjoy!


  1. Feeding the neighbor dogs reminds me of Norman the Boston terrier. Remember Norman? I'll bet he lost 5 pounds when we moved away.

    I cannot wrap my brain around the idea of snow in June.

  2. Oh man. LOVE. This. Very. Much.

    I feel like I say this every single time. haha. I cannot tell you how cute I think you look as a hiking woman. Awesome. So proud.

    Totally just... excited in this moment for you! Hooray! Praise God - cause He is good.

    Love you dearly, Mrs Bay. *High five* the Mr Bay - cause he's super cool.

  3. aww, how fun! I love getting to see your life up in washington as Mrs. Bay. Totally agree with Em: very excited in this moment for you, for God is indeed so good. Love ya!


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