
Thursday, June 24, 2010

the details

Maybe you're getting tired of looking at house pictures, or maybe you're thrilled to see more. Either way, here are some freshly uploaded ones for you to feast your eyes upon! We'll just pretend you've come to visit the Bays and we're showing you around. It's really the next best thing. Lucky you :)

Our front door. The door and the front of the house are finally painted! The sides are getting worked on this week. 
Our fridge. It's pretty small, but then again, we don't need that much stuff in there! I love adding pictures of friends and family. On the bottom half is a picture that Ella, our three year old neighbor, colored for us. She's precious, by the way.

Our message board. One of two, as a matter of fact. We got one from a garage sale pre-marriage, and this was a wedding gift. Great for reminding ourselves of things to do. And the kind friend that gave this to us found pictures from our wedding week!

I love this jar. Nick, an old friend of Carson's, made it for us as a wedding gift. He put a copper plate on the bottom with his name and our names. Such a neat gift to have. I almost can't believe we're using it for spoons and cooking utensils, but then again, this way we get to see it everyday!

The ceramic Croc cell phone holder. It's sitting proudly on our kitchen windowsill. This particular item was not welcomed by me, but Carson spotted it at a garage sale for 25 cents and had to buy it. I'm working on loving this.

These tiny vases were a gift from Danita. I really like the mix of happy colors. When I took this picture, they were on a windowsill but today, they got moved to the kitchen table.

I rarely use cookie cutters, so now that I have some, I'm going to have to find a good recipe for cut-out cookies! I filled this small ceramic mixing bowl with all the cutters we got as, you guessed it, wedding gifts!

We have this neat wooden bowl, and I couldn't find a place to put it, since we have all functional, not any decorative, spaces. So I rolled up all the kitchen towels we have and now it's pretty and functional!

This last picture isn't of the kitchen, but I forgot to include the bookcase on my earlier posts. This is but a small part of our book collection... the others are boxed up or in SC.


  1. i love posts like this! so fun to see bits and pieces of your life!

  2. Oh this is fun! I love the croc. That is the most "Carson" thing ever..."I'm working on loving this". Ha ha ha


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