
Friday, April 9, 2010

things I've enjoyed lately:

...Carson coming for a visit

...studying Hebrews and Galatians :)

...reading the sweet messages people leave with their "RSVPs" for the wedding

...Perry Mason on DVD with my future in-laws

...spring flowers

...renewed energy (I'm not tired all the time anymore!)

...baking cookies

...reading "for fun"

...lengthy letters from wonderful friends

...the internet. how DID we communicate with overseas friends before this? planning. Nope, I don't have anyone to host it for, but if I did, it would be great. Seriously. Maybe I should invest this time into planning my wedding?

...pearl earrings


1 comment:

  1. you've always been so good at party planning!:)
    your wedding is going to be amazing-i wish i could be there to witness it...:(


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