
Friday, May 29, 2009

a story

Once upon a time...
There lived four girls. Two brunettes, one redhead, and a blond.

The four girls had met through the magical land of Facebook and did not know how living together would work. They thought it was random and by chance.

What they learned was that rooming together was absolutely the most amazing thing ever. They were a happy bunch of girls, living in a small apar... er... hut. The four girls lived together for one year. During that year, they grew a lot. They learned to live with strangers. They learned to cook by trial and error (and smoke alarm). They learned to be hospitable. They learned how to encourage and how to read people's likes and dislikes. They learned to clean and tidy up a house.

Most importantly though, they learned to love one another. This came as an unexpected surprise, since they had met through the unpredictable land of Facebook. They began to see one another as second family, for indeed, they saw them more often than their own family and friends from home.

The fact that they loved one another made parting very hard for the redhead. She loved her roommates but decided to leave them. It was one of the hardest decisions ever. The other three were quite sad but finally found a replacement for the redhead and she began to prepare to move to the great Windy City the following year.

As their time together drew to a close, they gathered to celebrate their time together and reminisce about the year they had shared with one another. They laughed, got choked up, and took lots of pictures.

So it was our last night as roommates (actually just my last night as their roommate... they'll be together for a few more years). We went to Olive Garden for dessert, then took lots of fun pictures in Riverfront Park. I can't believe it's been a year and that it's over and I'm going to Chicago. I definitely shed a couple tears. I'll definitely miss Spokane. I'm going to miss these girls next year. Boo... I miss them already!

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