
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've been looking forward to this holiday for a rather long time. I love it because it can be so cheesy. I love that it gives us a day to think about love. I love that love is not just romantic and mushy and that we can celebrate roommate love, friend love, sisters-and-brothers-in-Christ love, love for siblings and parents and extended family... I'm really excited to have a day to think about all the people who mean so much to me. If you're reading this, you're probably someone who has impacted my life in some way... and I'm so thankful for that and I'm thinking about you today!

I'm also thinking about God's love because, of course, His is the ultimate expression of love, giving His Son to die for us. And He shows us His love everyday. And we can show His love to others!!! We can shine our lights in such a way so that others will see what we do and glorify our Father. That can be done any day but I think holidays are there to make ordinary things we do honored and really special.

So today, show God that He is really special and think about your commitment to Him. Consider who He is and what you can do in light of it... how you can show His love to those around you. I promise they'll notice!
And for the people around you, whether you're with roommates, friends, your parents, your brothers or sisters... let them know that you love them too! Let them feel special (it's always nice on Valentine's Day).

As for me, I'll be doing a "Secret Valentines" with my roommates and then dressing up and going to dinner with them and possibly with the boys upstairs.

Much love,

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