
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day Three

5:30 came quite early this morning. I had my shower and quiet time in a very quiet house since no one else had classes at all this morning. Left at 7:00 for the bus. It was quite cold outside and a little windy too! The puddles I crossed were completely frozen over. Brrr... it was nice to be inside the warm bus.

Got to school fifteen minutes before class began so I checked my email in the newly remodeled computer lab before finding my seat in Hermeneutics class. Jacey slipped in next to me just as our professor began to start class. He seems nice, has a little smile on his face all the time. He's been here 8 months - was in Southern California all his life until then so this has been quite the adjustment for him. He introduced himself, had us introduce ourselves, went over the syllabus and then went into his first lecture. We took a LOT of notes. Hermeneutics will probably be one of my most-liked classes but NOT because it's easy. I'm excited to get to know the Bible better. Quite a bit of the things from this class are things I learned in Frontlines but I'm excited to really study them.

Class was followed by another chapel. The worship was as good as it was yesterday and the speaker was funny but pointed. It was the pastor of a local church and he talked about the importance of prayer from Exodus 17-18. After that, I bussed home again. Folded laundry, did push-ups (we're doing this thing where we do 100 push-ups every day for the month of February) and cleaned the kitchen when I got home. Haven't done much homework so I'm going to attend to that right now. There's a lot of reading this semester!

For your enjoyment though, here's what my living room is looking like this semester, complete with commentary (you can read it if you click on the picture to make it bigger). It looks so much more lived-in than it did back when we first got here!


  1. do you do your push-ups men style or women? :)

  2. I LOVE the new header! It took me by surprise...that is really cool!
    Three weeks from now.....
    Oh man. Can't wait. Save a spot for me beside the disco ball, alright?


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