
Monday, December 29, 2008

ice skating!

Brooke, Brandon, Dustin and I went ice skating in Charleston this weekend!
It was very different from my most recent skating adventure because my nose wasn't freezing off, there was no chance of snow, and I wasn't outside.
I had a lot of fun though. I tried to learn how to skate backwards and though I still need to practice next time I go, I think I've got the hang of it (many thanks, patient teachers). Brooke and I went to the middle of the ice (like when we were little!) and tried to remember our old spins and little routines. Not much success there and I have a huge bruise on my knee to prove it. Oh well!
We were still wide awake afterward - ;) - and so we went to see a movie. Got back kinda late. It was so great spending time with Beaufort friends! I love being around people I've known for forever because we go back further than four months and there are all sorts of things to talk about, not just profs and papers :)

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