
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the house ghost

Let me introduce you to Charles.
Charles is the house ghost for Apartment 767. "He" is slightly fictional in that he does not really exist. You see, Charles comes and goes at will. We know he has visited our apartment because he leaves lights on in rooms he's just left even though there's no one in them! He leaves clothes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. It's a mystery to us.

Charles was created by Maddie and Molly a few weeks ago. [Our utility bill had come and was higher than we had hoped so we made some rules to hopefully have a smaller bill this month. Changes like turning off lights when we leave the room, washing the "big stuff" by hand instead of putting it in the dishwasher so we don't have to run it so much, shorter showers...] One of our roommates insisted that she turned the lights off after herself when she left the room. So it was concluded that since she was turning lights off, and they somehow managed to be on after she left a room we must have some kind of ghost in our midst. Thus Charles the house ghost was born. We don't pronounce the "r"... it's "Chawles"... said in a southern drawl.

As I write this, Charles has just left the lights on in Maddie and Amanda's bathroom and dishes he's used have been discovered piled up in the sink. That silly ghost.

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