
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Born to Be Here

“You were born to be here.”

The words echoed in the quiet auditorium, resounding in the ears of 168 new students. The man with the glasses and full beard continued, “each one of you was destined to be here. God created you and you were born to be here at Moody Bible Institute - Spokane.” It was a different approach to the typical cheery devotion, the nice things that make you feel fuzzy inside, but he put his sarcastic humor aside to share some very true words. We were born to be here.

So orientation was yesterday. Dr. McMath spoke to us with a devotional and a charge for the rest of our time here in Spokane during the first session and immediately, I realized the truth of his statement. Here I am at the place I always wanted to be but never really thought possible. I’m a student at Moody Bible Institute. And this is where God wants me. Come to think of it, I never really specifically asked God to put me in Chicago to begin with. I wanted to go to Moody… I just didn’t know the Spokane campus existed.

I’m not completely sure why I’m not in Chicago and why I won’t be going there for another year but I’m anticipating understanding that someday I WILL know. I’ll look back and with a shock see how clear God’s hand was through Spokane. Perhaps He’s just been clearly leading me HERE. Maybe I’ll live here for the rest of my life. Maybe someone here will impact me, or maybe I’ll impact someone else. Maybe I’ll learn a lesson that will change the pattern of the rest of my life. Only God really knows and that is exactly why I’m so excited. God the Author of Life, the One who set creation into motion – this God knows. And I was born to be here – at Moody Bible Institute Spokane. Even though no one in this town has a clue that such a school exists, and even though it seems crazy to move 4,000 miles away to live with people I met on Facebook to go to a school I’d never visited. It seemed insane at first but it doesn’t seem that way now… I think it’s because God’s will was for me to come here.

I’ve doubted His will in this before. This process has been such a stretch of my faith, something that has felt very like a roller coaster. There have been doors closed and different doors opened because of the doors closed. The intelligence in God’s design and of His plan haven’t escaped me as I’ve reflected on His grace in His will. This whole process has served so far to show me how truly beyond my comprehension God is. He doesn’t make things easy or make them hard without reason. Gently, He’s shown me how I don’t put my faith where it belongs. He has me where He wants me and I need to trust that. And to be honest, I’m excited about it. He hasn’t taken me to places that I’ve hated and made me do the exact opposite of what I wanted to do. He’s been good and faithful and has shown me more of Himself through this than any other trying experience. I can now say without any doubt in my mind that THIS is exactly what I am supposed to be.

I want to grow while I’m here. I want to see God in new ways and meet people who are passionate and inspire me to love God without abandon (I struggle with that). This is so much more than about the school I’m attending. That’s just four years of God’s plan for me. How neat that what I am doing NOW is a part of GOD’S PLAN! How amazing to know that. To not doubt or even want to question.

I was, indeed, born to be here.

From the breath of God ice is made, and the expanse of the waters is frozen. Also with moisture He loads the thick cloud; He disperses the cloud of His lightning. It changes direction, turning around by His guidance, that it may do whatever He commands it on the face of the inhabited earth. Whether for correction or for His world, or for lovingkindness, He causes it to happen. Listen to this, O Job, stand and consider the wonders of God. [Job 37:9-14]

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