
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What do y'all think?

So today, I was driving down the road, iPod playing my "recently added" playlist, when this song came on. You know, so many worship songs are so good, and being the kind of person that listens to the lyrics, I pay attention when a song I haven't heard comes up. I don't think I'd heard this song before but I know that if I had, I didn't pay attention to the words. As I mulled them over in my head (I like that word... hehe), I realized that they didn't make sense. Or at least I don't think they did...
I don't think Audio Adrenaline had bad intentions when they recorded this song, but what do you make of lyrics that say:
"The reason we sing is to bring down Your glory"? Because I'm not sure. But I didn't think the point of worshiping God was to bring His glory down to earth... I thought it was to magnify His name and "keep Him big" (not like we can even really do that, but you get my drift). What good is God if He becomes more like us? If His glory becomes commonplace and down to earth?
I don't know... but it was bothering me. I realize that I've over-analyzed a song that was meant to GIVE glory to God, not take it away, but what do y'all think? Should God's glory be "brought down" or can you give any light to the meaning of this song?

I know there are more of you that read than comment... make today a first: comment! I'd like to hear your thoughts too...


  1. Yay for first comment...
    Maybe it's not meant to say anything like "lowering God's Infinite Glory" or making it more "Commonplace." (I mean, after all, what thinking Christian would want to do that?)

    Maybe instead of lowering His glory, it speaks of Him revealing it. Like in "Mighty to Save" where it says "Shine your light and let the whole world see..." (some of my favorite lines in any song ever, those are...) the drift is not that God should be lowered... but that He should be manifested as an Awesome, Amazing, Powerful God.

    Found these verses that kinda seem like what the song is trying to say (after all, the title of it is "Pour Your Love Down"). So... maybe what they were really trying is something like...

    Psalm 72:6 He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth.

    Psalm 72:19 Praise be to His glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His glory.

    A penny for your thoughts?

  2. At first I was like... WHAT SONG! Then I realized it was a link...

    Second...I feel sorry for those who haven't commented yet. This would be a hard post to be challenged to comment on...

    I think of that passage in Philippians 2 Where it talks about how Jesus had to humble Himself when He came to earth. Taking on the form of a bondservant. When He did though, He was so obedient that God was glorified, and therefore God highly exalted Him, and one day EVERY knee will bow and confess that "Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father"

    The first verse "We're worlds apart" Christ "Didn't consider equality with man a thing to be grasped"

    I dunno. Just my thoughts... Dere dey is.


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