
Thursday, April 24, 2008

not a sugar rush

I don't usually have "thoughts" when I wake up. I think, "What's that noise?" (alarm) and "Oh my goodness is it really that late?" but today I had a complete thought.
To wake myself up this morning, I had placed my Bible on my desk so I would actually have to get up to grab it. It's like two steps, but that's usually enough to make my eyelids stay open. Anyway, as I was rubbing sleep out of my eyes I glanced at the clock: 7:35. Yeah, I was exhausted and I'm not even going to tell you how many hours of sleep I got (not a pretty number). I started making the mental list of my morning routine, thinking of what I was going to wear, wondering if taking a shower was necessary (it wasn't, I really didn't have time)... and then I had my thought:

Reading God's Word isn't supposed to be a sugar rush. Um, what? Why did I think of that? I hadn't even considered not reading my Bible this morning. Of course it was going to be a quick read but I planned on reading the Bible this morning. AND I was going to ask God to let me understand what it was saying and to learn more about Him (aren't you awed by my generosity toward God?).

A sugar rush, as we all know, is that really quick rush of energy we get when we've had a lot of, well, sugar. Nothing but momentary, temporary. It's a "quick fix" but won't satisfy our hunger. Like when I asked God to "show me something", I didn't really care what, I just wanted something from Him.

He showed me this morning, in terminology that I don't usually use, that what I've looked for is that tidbit of His word to get me by until tomorrow, or at least until I come home from work. I don't usually "study to show myself approved", I just study. By doing this, I also have the problems that come from having a sugar rush: extreme highs and lows. Instead of this, I could have a "balanced diet" of His Word. I could be learning, growing, meditating, consuming God's Word and I just DON'T!

Is your morning quiet time your sugar rush?


  1. Hmm. A "tid bit to get us by until tomorrow" I find myself saying "I'll do better tomorrow God!" and then...don't.

    Golly. He still loves us...Unconditionally... Wow. Why?

  2. No kidding! How amazing is our Heavenly Father?!

  3. wow...I LOVED your post dearest!!! How true!!!
    I love you!


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